
Friends of Teesside Airport

Friends of Teesside Airport has been an incredibly supportive partner to Teesside International Airport for the past decade, taking an interest in all that we do and helping out when needed. It is officially recognised by airport management and we thank them for their continued assistance.

The voluntary group is made up of individuals from across the region, all from different backgrounds, who are passionate about the airport and its future. It was formed in 2012 and, pandemic permitting, meets monthly to discuss the latest airport and group news and holds regular specialist events for its members.

The main purpose of Friends of Teesside Airport is to help raise our profile, which is an increasingly important role as we continue our ten-year turnaround plan to develop our routes and destinations and increase passenger numbers. The group has been invaluable in the past in shouting about our airport, as well as supporting us in the terminal with ad hoc charter flights such as the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes and the Christmas Lapland flight. It has also worked alongside us on events in the past and will continue to play a part in the smooth running of future activities.

The group is always looking for people enthusiastic about the airport to join and we’d encourage anyone that is excited about Teesside International to consider signing up. Membership costs £12, which helps to fund group activities, insurance, social events and gives people access to its meetings and newsletters.

If you’d like to get involved or find out more about what they do, visit friendsoftia.co.uk